Trump is sleeping one night

President Trump is sleeping one night when the ghost

of George Washington appears at the foot of his bed.

Trump asks him, ‘Georgie, my boy, how can I be

a better president?’ George says, ‘First, never tell

a lie.’ Trump doesn’t like this answer and yells for

security. George disappears and Trump goes back

to sleep. He is woken up a short time later by the ghost

of Franklin Roosevelt sitting at the foot of his bed.

“Frankie, my boy, what can I do to be a better president?’

FDR thinks a moment and says, ‘You have to put the

people first.’ Once again Trump doesn’t like this

answer, yells for security, and FDR disappears.

Trump is once again awakened by the ghost of Abraham

Lincoln at the foot of his bed. “Abe, my boy, how

can I be a better president?’ Abe thinks for a moment

and responds, ‘Go to the theater more.