I decided to message all his girlfriends

When I decided to message the other

women on social media, my motivations

were a bit selfish. I wanted to understand what

had happened to me, and I thought they

might have information that would help.

First, I told the three other women

my ex had been seeing at the same time as me.

All were very shocked, and none of them knew

that he had been cheating on them.

When I found out he’d cheated on previous partners,

I messaged them, too. All in all,

I got in touch with about 130 women.

Most of them were very open to hearing from me,

but not everyone was. I messaged one girlfriend who

had briefly overlapped with me. She took months to

send a short response, and we haven’t been

in touch since. That’s fine. I know how traumatic

it is to live through betrayal. I want to meet

other women where they are in processing what happened.