The wives and husbands stores

There’s a store somewhere in a small town that

advertises selling ready-to-go husbands for women

who wish to settle down. One day a woman walks

in looking for a husband.

As she walks in, she sees a sign that says

“Welcome to Husbands ‘R Us! This store has 6

floors. On each floor you will find a different

selection of husbands-to-go. There are only two

rules: you cannot go back to previous levels,

and once you leave the store you can never come back.”

The woman understands these rules and

moves on to the first level. The first level offers

husbands who are handsome-looking. The woman

looks through and likes what she sees, but she

figures looks aren’t everything. She moves on to the second floor.

The second floor offers husbands who are

handsome-looking and romantic. She enjoys some

of the conversations she has with some of them,

making her dream awake, but she figures romantic

conversations can’t be the whole substance of

a marriage. She moves on to the third floor.

The third floor offers husbands who are handsome-looking,

romantic, and make over 6 figures. She revels at the life

of luxury some of them could lead with her, but

she figures money is not what will bring her happiness.

She moves on to the fourth floor.

The fourth floor offers husbands who are

handsome-looking, romantic, make over 6 figures,

and do household chores like looking and clearning.

She admires some of the standards some of the

husbands have, but she figures there’s still something

missing. She moves on to the fifth floor.

The fifth floor offers the whole package:

husbands who are handsome, romantic,

rich, who cook and clean AND who are absolute

beasts in the sack. The woman nearly salivates at

the prospect of life with such a man. She wonders

how it could get even better, even more perfect.

She moves on to the sixth and final floor.

The sixth floor is empty except for a big sign

that reads: “Welcome to the sixth floor. You will

find nothing here. This store is proof that women

could never be satisfied, even when perfection

lies under their nose. You may now leave forever”.

Defeated, the woman leaves, never to come

back, reminescing about what life could’ve been

with any of the husbands in that store,

even the 1st level ones……..

Accros the street from that store is a store that

advertises ready-to-go wives for men who wish to settle down.

The first level offers wives who are good in bed.

The second level offers wives who are good

in bed and do household chores.

Levels 3 through 6 have never been visited…