A boy on his first day of work

A boy on his first day of work in a drugstore receives advice from a veteran colleague…

– Look kid, if you want to succeed you have to win over the manager, and the way to do it is by selling

the product of the week, whenever possible.

This week, for example, we have Cristalsol on promotion, and we must try to sell it to our customers.
I’m going to give you a practical demonstration so you understand it…

 Good morning madam, what do you want?
– A boat suddenly…

– Good choice madam! With the bottle your furniture will suddenly shine spectacularly!

It would be a shame if so much radiance were detracted by the dirt on its windows,

That is why I have allowed myself to also bring you cristalsol, which is also this week’s offer product!…

And the lady leaves happy with both products.

– You see it?. Look, now I’ll try again…

– Good morning madam, what do you want?
– A bottle of clean gift

– Wise choice! You are going to have floors like gold jets!! It’s a pity that dirty windows detract so much from him.

If you wish, I have taken the liberty of bringing you a bottle of cristalsol,

that will solve your problem, and it is also the product on offer!

Again the veteran salesman manages to sell both products.

– Are you getting it?
– Yes, I think so…
– Good. Now you are going to try it!

A new client comes in, and…

– Good morning madam! What do you want?
– a box of tampax!
– wow!… bufff…

The boy is perplexed, but quickly reacts…

– Here you are, ma’am, your box of Tampax!

Good choice! This product will be very useful to you, but let me tell you that it would be a shame if

will not also take a bottle of the product that we promote this week,

Cristalsol, since since he is going to be without it for 8 days, at least he has fun cleaning the windows!