A homeless man approached me

A homeless man approached me as I was leaving a sandwich shop…

… and he asked me if I had $5 to spare. I felt bad for him, and

was just about to give him the money.

But then I realized I was holding a $5 foot long I had just bought,

so I held up both the cash and the sandwich and told him he

could have whichever one he preferred.

He stared at the sandwich. Then his eyes shot over to the $5 bill.

He looked at the sandwich again, then back at the cash. After a moment

his eyes were darting back and forth between the two, and he threw

up his hands in despair, let out a scream of anguish and then turned

and ran away from me.

At first I was totally confused, but then it dawned on me:

Beggars can’t be choosers.