The family is enjoying Christmas evening dinner

Little Timmy, who just turned 6, never speaks.

He is always silent and all the family thinks

he’s got some kind of problem.

While all the family is enjoying Christmas evening

dinner, suddenly, little Timmy stands up and says:


All the family is speechless. They proceed to

cheer little Timmy and ask him to say something

else, but little Timmy remains silent again.

The next morning, uncle Tom is found dead in his house.

Fast forward, on next Christmas, the Thompsons

are hosting another huge family dinner, and

suddenly little Timmy stands up again:


Family cheers, all of them except Grandpa Elliot

who remembers last years dinner, after his

grandson words doomed uncle Tom. Everyone makes

fun of it and expect little Timmy to speak up

again, but nothing more comes out his lips.

That very same night, grandpa Elliot suffers a seizure and dies.

Fast forward another year, and the Thompsons are

hosting yet another not-so-huge-this-time Christmas

dinner. Assistants are both thrilled and terrified

about if little Timmy will mark nother family member

for death. Almost at the end of the dinner, when

everyone thinks they are safe, little Timmy stands up again:


The Thompsons are devastated. Mr Adam Thompson,

with a tear in his eye, proceeds to call the emergency

notary, and places everything in order. He then hugs

his family one last time, opens up the bottle of

bourbon he kept for special occasions and drinks all of it, falling asleep.

The next morning, Mr Adam Thompson wakes up

in what seems to be not his house. Warm

morning sun is bathing his tired face. Everything

is silent. Still sleepy and suffering the effects of

the hangover, he stands up and stumbles upon

some person dressed in white robes.

“-Am I in Heaven?”, he asks. “Are you an angel?”

“No sir, I am your doctor. You were lucky, you

suffered a severe alcohol intoxication, but you will be okay.”

Feeling happy to have cheated death,

Mr Adam recovers and goes back home in

a couple hours. While returning to his home, his neighbour greets him:

Hey Adam! Glad to see you recovered! Damn,

what a dreadful Christmas night! First, you suffer

that intoxication and almost die, and a couple

hours later we hear that Bob, the milkman, has

hung himself in his appartment!