Two old ladies standing at the bus stop smoking 

Two old ladies standing at the bus stop smoking a cigarette

in the rain. One old lady is really old fashioned. The

other old lady takes a condom out of her purse, cuts

the tip of it off and slides it over her cigarette.

Other old lady intrigued, asked what she had.

The lady responds, “It’s a rain coat for my cigarette.

You can get them at your drug store.” So the old lady

did just that. She walked into the drug store and asks

clerk to point her in the direction of the condoms.

The clerk points her to them. About twenty minutes

go by and the old lady is still looking at the condoms

so the clerk walks up to lady and says, “Ma’am I see your

looking for a condom, umm what size are you looking for?”

The lady replies, “I need one to fit a camel!!!”